Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fitness Past 40 - There are no "Quick Fixes"

Many of us who are overweight have not always been "fatties" or out of shape. The combination of stress, overeating, lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle have led us to a weight gain of 20, 30 or even 50 pounds.

There is no "quick fix" or easy way to get back in shape and slim again past 40 or 50 years of age. Despite the claims of the multitude of diet pill hawkers, expensive custom food manufacturerd, and the dozens of high visability gyms we have trying to get our business, the truth is that if you're an ordinary person wanting to get fit again, you'll have to give it some time and effort.

You may need as much as a year to take off the weight that it took a lifetime to accumulate. Try to avoid the mistakes that will sabotage your diet and fitness plans, i.e., don't hang out with people who don't consider weight loss very important. You should think ahead a few days each week to determine what you'll buy, cook and eat for the week.

Another mistake is eating too little. Long periods without food leads to fluctuations in blood sugar, in turn leading to cravings and extreme overeating. And a food plan only works in the long term if you can stick to it.........and nobody can stick to starving.

And really important, you have to get adequate rest. Being super tired will not only compromise your health, it can easily lead to those sugar binges that enervate you for up to 30 minutes, and then your energy crashes.

For a head start on hypnosis techniques which you can download from your computer to relax you and reduce stress, and make post-hypnotic suggestions for weight loss, go here.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fitness Past 40 - Exercise on the Cheap

Perhaps you have been leading a sedentary existence for a long time and want to start getting fit. Joining a gym seems like too much time and effort. Ok. Try getting a jump rope. Yep......that's right, a jump rope. It need not be anything expensive or elaborate. In fact, you can just jump without a rope.

Try ten jumps to start. Easy. The following night, maybe during a TV commercial, try doing 20. Before you know it, you'll be able to do 50 to 100 jumps without even thinking about it. Be careful to approach this exercise slowly. Have a bottle of water handy. And do it on an empty stomach, or at least quite a while after dinner. Otherwise you may toss your cookies! Or do it first thing in the morning. It's fast, and easy, and really "cardio" exercise.

And here's a really good idea that costs you nothing. Approach whatever friends you have who belong to a gym and who go regularly. Hopefully you have at least one fit friend. Ask them if they can take you as a guest, or get you a guest pass. You may like it enough to join yourself. You can often do this up to four times as a guest of a paying member. Good luck!

For a program that will get you started, free for 10 days, try this.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Myths and Truths about Fitness Beyond Forty

We have been burdened for years with all sorts of false claims and myths about why we're fatter after forty and the years beyond that. Among them:

1. Eating certain foods helps to "burn" fat faster.

2. Building muscle can make a woman's body bulky.

3. Weight loss pills or diet pills can make the transition from fat to thin much easier.
4. Weight gain after menopause is inevitable.

5. Genetic predisposition to obesity can't be overcome.

Let me point out the false notions in the above statements:

1. No particular food "burns" fat. Eating smaller portion sizes, plus exercise, will rev up your metabolism and start your body burning fat.

2. Women's bodies don't bulk up like men's, unless serious bodybuilding is your goal. Muscle does weigh more than fat, but the good news is that the more muscle you can build, the more calories you will burn.

3. Weight loss or diet pills are not serious weight loss alternatives. Most contain a large amount of caffeine, which is the same as several cups of coffee a day. As we have said before, the diet pills which contain "fen" are risky and should not be used.

4. After menopause, or leading up to it, a change of lifestyle involving what you eat and how much, and a regular exercise program, will help to keep weight down and muscle mass up.

5. Even people who have overweight parents can prevent the problems of obesity and medical problems due to being fat (diabetes, high blood pressure,joint problems.)

There are many programs offered to start you on the way to health and fitness after 40. A program especially designed for women, and developed by a body-builder no less, is located here.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Looking Good At Any Weight or Fitness Level

There really isn't any reason not to look as good as you possibly can, even if you are overweight or not fit right now. Looking good at 40 or more isn't difficult. A recent TV program called "How to Look Good Naked" has drawn attention to the fact that the average American woman is 5 feet and 4 inches tall and weighs 140 lbs. Many of us (especially postmenopausal women) carry around a lot more weight than that, if you ask me. And that's just fine, it's normal. If you're happy with your weight or haven't yet succeeded with weight loss or fitness, there are things you can do right now. Unless you are dangerously or morbidly obese, here's how to appear thinner and fitter than you are now:

1. Wear good undergarments. They are literally the "foundation" of your wardrobe.

2. Simply cut garments, relaxed-fit jeans and pants, A-line skirts, mock-wrap tops or dresses, will all help to hide the fact that you're overweight.

3. Never wear anything that's too TIGHT. Nothing brings attention to lumps and bumps more than a garment that doesn't fit right.

4. Wear darker colors. An overall monochromatic look does wonders for the fuller figure. Shoes with even a small heel can make legs look slimmer and sexy. Darker pantyhose and matching heels are marvelous for that taller, thinner, look.

5. All important in looking good if you're not as trim and fit as you'd like to be....a great haircut and a decent manicure. Shop around for the best you can get with the budget you can afford.

For a look at a program which will help you make that first step into fitness, try this.

For a fascinating way to lose weight via hypnosis (online!) click here.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

More Obstacles to Fitness - Acid Reflux Disease

Many of us overweight and out of shape people in middle age suffer from various digestive disorders. Living with acid reflux, heartburn, hiatal hernia, problems with elimination and other disorders can prematurely age you, make you sick, and make you feel years older than you are. Smaller meals, avoidance of triggers like alcohol, spicy food, caffeine can help somewhat.

The ultimate choice for many of us is constantly taking over the counter medications like Mylanta, Tums, Zantac and Pepsid. This can get pretty expensive and doesn't always work consistently. Acid reflux remains one of the most common diseases in the United States.

Another alternative is the use of prescription drugs.

The vast majority of prescription drugs, not just those aimed at treating heartburn, can severely damage your delicate natural internal balance, interfere with liver function, build up toxins in your body, slow down your metabolism and lead to serious side effects. PPI drugs have recently been linked to Osteoporosis (bone loss). Additionally, taking more than one medication in many cases results in serious reactions between the different drugs as one drug can change or even worse, enhance the effect of the other drug. This can lead to harmful consequences.
It is well known that Drugs like Prilosec, Prevacid or Nexium aimed at treating acid reflux are to be taken for a period of no more than 8 weeks. The reason for that is that these drugs if taken for longer periods can actually stimulate your stomach to produce extra amounts of acid.

Antacids such as Tums, Pepcid, Zantac, and Rolaids deal with the symptoms of acid reflux (and not all that well) and not with the underlying cause, Moreover, breaking up the acid in the stomach can eventually make your heartburn worse, since stomach acid helps us absorb nutrients and is the first line of defense against candida (which can lead to acid reflux and heartburn).

It doesn't matter what type of heartburn you have. Whether you suffer from: Acid Reflux Disease (GERD), Hiatal Hernia, Gastritis, the outcome is the same........losing weight is critical and if you don't want to take drugs for the rest of your life, you must explore alternative and natural solutions.

For a natural solution to digestive disorders, see here.

Imagine yourself in a few weeks or a year from now... Are you still suffering from this painful and horrendous disease or are you living a full active heartburn free life, enjoying enhanced elimination, renewed energy and vitality without the horrible symptoms of acid reflux? The choice is yours...see here.

To really help yourself to end the painful burning feeling in your chest, the difficulty swallowing, the burning sensation in your throat and your sleepless nights take my advice. I've been there before and I know exactly how you feel.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Some Obstacles to Fitness Past 40

There are a number of habits which may get in the way of fitness and weight loss after forty.

A major fitness and weight loss block is lack of enough sleep, or allowing ourselves to become so tired that we reach for that energy drink, candy bar, or high-calorie fast food to give us a "lift" temporarily. The result is often an overwhelming lack of energy after 30 minutes, and the cyle goes on. Have something to eat every two or three hours, no matter how small, to keep energy levels consistent throughout the day.

Avoiding breakfast because of a lack of time, or thinking that less calories will mean weight loss is a disaster. In fact, a healthy breakfast will rev up the metabolism to start the day, and you will burn more calories daily as a result.

Clinging to the more dangerous habits that stand in the way of good health and fitness like still smoking after all these years. You may think that weight gain will result after you quit smoking. A temporary, small weight gain can be offset by starting your exercise program. Qutting smoking can be a daunting thing.....I accomplished it with hypnoss and a hell of a lot of focus. For an online hypnosis program, see

We'll talk more about the bad habits that prevent fitness after forty in coming messages. Meanwhile, to check out a program which will start you on a regimen of fitness, go here.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Obese in America

Why are we so likely in this country to be overweight or obese than anywhere else on the planet? The physical ideal for a woman in America has come to be an extremely thin, "emaciated woman" who is underweight and has no curves. The entertainment industry and the fashion industry foster this view, as runway models can be dangerously underweight and unhealthy. Hollywood has its view of the most beautiful of women....the most celebrated actresses in show business today have become shadows of their former beautiful selves. For instance, Angelina Jolie and Charlize Theron are striking examples of this phenomenon.

In an effort to get to this impossible goal, many of us often starve ourselves to a point where our immune systems are weak. Alternately we overeat because of this and the whole cycle of weight gain begins again. Aside from the most dangerous eating disorders which require medical care, i.e., anorexia and bulemia, there are eating disorders which are less publicized but which are widespread.

Binge eating is now recognized as an eating disorder. A person will consume several thousand calories of food within a couple of hours. No purging happens, just weight gain and a sick feeling. Binge eating can often be a response to great stress. Food is comforting and satisfying, and hardly as taboo as an overindulgence in alcohol or drugs.

The answer to stopping the use of food as an antidote to stress is to find other methods of relaxation. Meditation is one such method. Another long established method of relaxation and behavior change is hypnosis. Now hypnosis can be done online.

For more information on online hypnosis, go here.